I think most people have a comfort show. Mine is Silicon Valley. I think I enjoy the humor and while it’s not “nerd humor” per se, it’s attached to the nerdom I live in and I think that makes it enjoyable. I forget how many times I’ve seen it, but enough that I feel like … Continue reading “Ranking the Silicon Valley Seasons”
Category: Personal
The Static Age
The follow up to Green Day’s American Idiot is 21st Century Breakdown, and as a record, I enjoy it more than American Idiot. While I enjoy individual tune’s from American Idiot more than 21st Century Breakdown, there is one tune that stands out to me and it’s The Static Age. As implied by the title, … Continue reading “The Static Age”
Private, Not Apolitical
For the past few months, I have been actively working on my mental health. For context, I’ve always been kind of a grumpy guy. When I was younger, I was loud and opinionated. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve chilled out significantly, around other people, but in my own brain I’m as loud as ever and … Continue reading “Private, Not Apolitical”
Day in the Life Videos Are Strange
Over the past couple of years, the social algorithms have started feeding me “day in the life” videos and they sure are strange. More specifically, they are usually “Day in the life working at X company”. X is a variable here. Not Twitter. The URL still says Twitter…therefore it’s still Twitter. Anyway, if you haven’t … Continue reading “Day in the Life Videos Are Strange”
This is an Elitist Tech Post
I was scrolling through Threads this morning when I was fed the following post. Post by @benedictevans View on Threads He followed it up with this one which is useful context for those of us unfamiliar with the arts and crafts of the late 19th century. Post by @benedictevans View on Threads I can appreciate … Continue reading “This is an Elitist Tech Post”
My Favorite To-Do App Might Be A Blank Text File
I have tried just about every “to-do” app under the sun. I’ve used Microsoft To-Do, Reminders, Google’s To-Do feature, Notion, Planner, Miro, old school pen and paper, you name it. I think I’m defaulting to just a blank text file. I like a project manager tools. I like to be public about progress wherever possible. … Continue reading “My Favorite To-Do App Might Be A Blank Text File”
The Thing About AI…
Here is a non-tech related fun fact about me. I’m not the best chef. I can make the basics but if you want something even remotely interesting, I’m going to put in a lot of effort for a very ok result. I’m not very good at looking at 5 ingredients and saying “oh I can … Continue reading “The Thing About AI…”
“Saviors” is awesome!
Short blog post but I wanted to post it. Green Day’s new record, “Saviors” is awesome. It has it’s political moments, but doesn’t quite reach “American Idiot”, “21st Century Breakdown”, or “Revolution Radio” levels but I’m fine with that. It hits where it needs to, to make an impact and it’s fun where it needs … Continue reading ““Saviors” is awesome!”
If I was in a weird situation where I was forced to choose one beverage to have for the rest of my life, and water didn’t count, I would choose coffee. I wouldn’t think twice about it. There are some runners up, beer, Diet Dr. Pepper, Arnold Palmers, seltzer water (I like lemon flavor. Don’t … Continue reading “Coffee”
How did I Operate?
I’m sitting here on the couch and I flipped on the Pelicans vs. Kings game. There is about 6 minutes of game clock left and it’s 9:15. I’m a little tired but not too bad. When I was growing up, I had a really cool job. I was a team attendant* for the Cleveland Cavaliers. … Continue reading “How did I Operate?”