I finally caught COVID
After almost 3 years of dodging this mess, I finally caught COVID-19. Not really sure how as I work from home and don’t go very many places, but still caught it. Had an appointment for the updated booster next week too.
When folks say “it’s like a bad cold” I understand where they come from because the symptoms are similar to a cold but much worse. Then you layer on the things like fatigue and the fact you can’t taste anything and suddenly, “bad cold” doesn’t seem like a fair description.
I’m fortunate to have what is considered a mild version. I have asthma, so catching this was a very real concern but thankfully, that part has been alright. I’m feeling a little better, I wouldn’t have been able to type this blog post just a couple of days ago, but still some distance from 100%.
Get boosted. This sucks.