Ranking the Silicon Valley Seasons

I think most people have a comfort show. Mine is Silicon Valley. I think I enjoy the humor and while it’s not “nerd humor” per se, it’s attached to the nerdom I live in and I think that makes it enjoyable. I forget how many times I’ve seen it, but enough that I feel like I can safely rank the seasons. There are 6 seasons, so let’s get into it. Spoilers below not that any of the explanations make sense if you haven’t seen the show. .

Rank 6: Season 4

My least favorite season is Season 4. This is the season Richard takes Pied Piper to its decentralized internet pivot with Gavin Belson. I don’t love the early parts of the season with Richard and Gavin. The blood boy thing isn’t that funny to me. The whole VR bit, while entertaining how well it’s held up, doesn’t land with me. I’d argue it’s one of the larger changes in the show in terms of where characters interact and I don’t know…just not my favorite.

Rank 5: Season 6

It’s hard to end a show. I get that, and I think that’s where Season 6 struggles. It kind of bounces between potential resolutions. It has the Maximo subplot, Pied Piper buying Hooli, the Hawaii test with AT&T, Russfest, it’s just a lot. It has high points, like when Richard and Jared to try and set up Colin. The finale episode is also very entertaining.

Rank 4: Season 2

Perhaps a bit of a surprise but I do have an early season in the bottom half. I refer to this season as the lawsuit season. I actually really like the early bits of the season as the boys hunt for VC funding and how Russ messes up the bake off but the lawsuit stuff just kinda doesn’t land for me.

Rank 3: Season 5

I actually bounced between Season 5 and Season 2 for this slot. They are fairly similar that I like the early parts of the season more than the second half. However, the second half exploring Pipercoin is a bit stronger of an ending than the lawsuit in season 2, in my opinion. This evolution of the decentralized internet is also a stronger point. This season does contain one of my least favorite episodes with Dana/Ben sneaking around with Richard. The whole thing just feels uncomfortable, which I think was the goal.

Rank 2: Season 1

The show started strong in my opinion. It’s the only season we get with Peter Gregory who is fantastic character. The evolution of “an idea” to “a company” is a lot of fun to watch. The ending with TechCrunch Disrupt is really funny. While characters might not be as developed, the whole season just captures tech in a great way.

Rank 1: Season 3

My overall favorite season is Season 3. This is the season where we are introduced to Jack Barker, who is another fantastic character. This is also the first season where the guys aren’t really running the show at Pied Piper and that’s an interesting dynamic. It is also the first season where the guys are spending a lot of time outside the house which is a cool dynamic.

I like the entire show, but this list came together pretty easily. Maybe I should watch something else.